Week 2 of my journey to 50 is nearing a close. 39 weeks to go. 39 more changes. Can I even come up with that many? That remains to be seen. You're gonna have to help me out. I mean really. I'm not that creative. And to prove that, here is my change for next week. Drum roll please - no cream in my coffee.

Week 3 - Creamless

I have been drinking cream in my morning cup of joe since Jesus was in diapers. I enjoy it. It was my one perk. So why stop? Well, this week I ran out of cream. I was actually grumpy the night before. There was no money left in the budget (still budgeting) and now I was going to have to drink my coffee black. Hrmph!

The next morning I made the coffee and took the dogs to the beach. Note: I am very lucky to live on ocean front and try to start every morning soaking up nature, drinking coffee and letting the dogs run around. It's a great way to start any day. So there I was with my travel mug of black coffee and the ocean. I took a sip. Shock registered as it passed my lips and over my tongue and down the gullet. It was good. It was actually rather good. Have I matured? Nah, I doubt it. But it really wasn't that bad. It got me to thinking ....

One of my favorite songs that I sing is "Black Coffee". It only makes sense. I go through one container of organic cream per week. That's got to be a chunk of calories. Week 1's change is to move with purpose. I have to be burning at least 50 more calories per day with that change alone. Put those two changes together and I could lose a pound in like a month! Chuckle, chuckle. But it's true. Another perk of giving up the cream? It saves me about $10 per month. That's $120 per year in cream alone. When I think of it that way it just seems ridiculous to spend that much on my morning coffee. Just think, if I put that $10 into my savings account I'll have enough to go to Mexico for a week by the time I'm 60!

Anyways - all silliness aside. That is my change. It's not going to be difficult as there is no cream in the fridge. I can whine, complain and stomp my feet. It won't magically appear. So this change is rather simple to follow through with. But that's good it gives me a chance to hopefully solidify Week 1 and 2 goals to more of a habit.

Week 1 - Move with purpose update - I still have to think of this one. It's a difficult habit to break. I will still find myself acting sloth like. But there is definite improvement. I have become more inefficient with my movements. I'll bring in two bags of groceries instead of 6 so that I have to make extra trips. I bend down to start up my desktop computer instead of using my big toe. I don't streamline making the bed. I clean the house as if people are coming over in 30 minutes. I try to act like I'm late for something when I'm wandering about. I park far away at the grocery store and hoof it around. I take the dogs for a brisk walk. I try to remember to quickly go up and down the stairs.  I don't wait for my husband to let the cats in. I get up and get them myself. These are positive changes.

Week 2 - Increase water intake - This has been surprisingly easy. Drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning and then giving myself a deadline to have my water bottle (4 glasses) finished - end of the work day - and then water with dinner has been a snap for me to do. I'm usually drinking 2 glasses of water with dinner. My water bottle is being finished earlier and earlier in the day.  I'm having some water in the evening too. I'm probably more like 8-10 glasses of water per day. So, what differences have I noticed? I got a lovely zit on my face. That made me particularly happy. Cause every 49 year old should have a zit on their face. It makes them look younger. My ankles have gone down a bit, I can see the ankle bone. But I'm still retaining water. My shins leave a large indent when you press on them. There must be another culprit. Will have to look into that.

So there you have it. Onwards and upwards. Two weeks down. Thirty-nine to go.

I'm drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day. My eyeballs are floating. Each day I pray I don't sneeze and refuse to do anything which requires exertion or hopping. Like the CIA agent, I enter a room and instantly know where the exits are for my route of escape, except in my case I know exactly where the washroom is.

Actually, I'm exaggerating. It hasn't been that bad at all so far. Mind you it's only day three.

I will tell you what I am finding that's interesting. If you've read earlier posts I said repeatedly that being on the food budget was actually freeing. There was freedom in restraint. I have found yet another freedom. The freedom of one thing, or in this case two things. As you may or may not be aware, I am making little changes in my life that hopefully will add up to big changes over a period of time. In my case the period of time is nine months (which funny enough officially starts tomorrow) until I turn f-f-f-f-fifty. So the first change was moving with purpose or in layman's terms carrying on like a crazy women who is late for everything (which really isn't that far from the truth). The second change was to increase my water intake to 6-8 glasses per day. Now for the freeing part. One day this week I stared to feel guilty for not doing something (you know that feeling? I should of had a salad for lunch, or I should have walked more or ... the list goes on and on). Well, when this feeling came over me a little thought went through my head that said "Actually, no. I don't have to do that. I only have to walk with purpose and drink copious amounts of water." That's it. That knowledge gave me this amazing sense of relief. I only had to concentrate on those two things. Easy. Week 36 when I am listing off 36 things as in a twisted version of 12 days of Christmas, it might be a little different. But I'm hoping by then walking like a crazy broad in a hurry is just part of my general make-up. as well as the knowledge of all the best bathrooms within a 50 mile radius.

I can tell you one funny incident that happened with me this week whilst impersonating the Tasmanian Devil - I was grocery shopping (still budgeting folks) and grabbing my last few items at my main grocery store. I was trying to do things as quickly as possible (walking with purpose) and to get home so that I could finally relax. I zoomed over to the cashier and started to unload my items. After unloading about half of the basket the young cashier guy gave me the "dumb blonde" look. When I screwed up my face as if to say "what?" his eyes gradually slid up to the lit sign above the till and then his look turned into that teenager perfected eye roll. Express 15 items. Oops. Save on Foods and their customer service. Gotta love 'em. He looked at me like I was a complete idiot. We had yet to say one word to each other and yet we had had an entire conversation with looks, glances, eye rolls and smirks. I wanted to slap him. I said to him. "Your look to me was priceless. I didn't realize I was in the express lane. I'll put everything back in my basket." I start reloading the buggy and he sighs a deep heavy sigh. He decides to grace me with his good deed for the decade and allow my 30 items to be pushed through. Understanding that there is no one behind me in the lineup and no one would show up during the entire ordeal. Of course the young stud doesn't know how to pack more than 2 items in a bag as he is an express boy and goes through my 5 cloth bags with only 10 items. I'm now packing my own groceries as penance for my sin.

So, note to self. It's ok to run around and with purpose, but while in grocery store stop and look before going to cashier.

Anyways, that's my update for now.
Drinking water is just ducky. Bottoms Up!
I retain water. Too much information? Sorry. But, unfortunately for me it's true. My ankles can swell up to the size of my thighs. (I'm laughing as I type - that's quite the visual). I don't consume a lot of salt.  I read the labels remember? And if you've been following my posts I've gotten off the 'can' so to speak. Again too much information? I meant I don't use canned goods as much. And even if I did I almost always purchase salt free. The ingredients being main ingredient and water. Suffice to say I don't think sodium intake is the culprit.

I know that I don't drink enough water. Not consistently anyways. I am famous for being consistently inconsistent. Actually, I'm not famous for anything, but I am, or I should say was consistently inconsistent. I am changing that. So this week's challenge is to :

Week 2 - Drink 6-8 glasses of water per day.

  1. Drink one glass of water when I get up.
  2. Drink my water bottle (4 glasses) by the time I get home from work. (preferably a little bit at a time throughout the day and not all at once in the car port)
  3. Drink at least one glass of water at dinner. This is actually good for your teeth. Did you know that? One of the worst things for your teeth is the acid in the food we eat. Think vinegars. citrus fruits. etc. It can wreak havoc with the enamel on your teeth. Simply drinking water with your meals dilutes or washes away the acidity and therefore protects your teeth. Huh. Learn something new every day.
  4. Drink a cup of camomile or other herbal tea in the evening. (I know purists don't consider it 'water', but lord it is pretty darn close isn't it? No caffeine. Little or no taste.)

So, if I do the above I will easily drink enough to reach my goal, without that much hassle. Just think if I serve spicy food for dinner I'll drink even more! Exciting.

What's even better is this works great with my goal from week one "Walk with purpose". I will certainly be adding more movement to my day just by the additional bathroom breaks. And I will for sure be walking with purpose to said bathroom. It's all good.

I will of course let you know what happens as far as my thighs to ankle ratio is concerned. And how easy or difficult it is to keep it up for the week, never mind the long term. And any other changes I may notice along the way.

Bottoms up!

This chickie has started her journey to 50.
So here I am contemplating little changes to my life and seeing where it takes me on this journey to 50. I have a few ideas to start, and already started one (on the QT).

Week 1 - Move with purpose.

Like Steve Martin I too have a special purpose, it's just nothing like his. I'm just pretending.

Have you ever noticed that people who are overweight (and I am not being mean here because I do it too) move slower? They tend to walk slowly, their general movements are slower. Not a care in the world. "I'll get to it when I get to it" way of movement. I have that attitude. I kinda like it. However, I've noticed that my general overall movement is much slower than it used to be. I also take up more space than I used to.

On the contrary, people who are thin tend to walk rather quickly. Have you noticed that? Go to the grocery store or mall and look, just don't be creepy about it or you might get in trouble. You'll see what I mean. It's not 100%, but it is pretty darn close.  For instance my husband and daughter are both skinny gluttons. (grrr) and they both move quickly. Except when my husband is sitting with a beer, then he slows down to comatose level (except for his elbow bends). Other than that he is a going concern. My daughter is the same way (not the beer part). Me? Not so much lately.

I'm not a scientist, obviously, but it isn't rocket science to see that more movement in your day adds to more calories burned in your day which over a long time means less weight on your body. Don't change anything but that and you will start to lose some weight. It might be slow, like your old movements, but it will happen over time.

My job is very sedentary. My fingers and right wrist are in very good shape thanks to typing on the computer, but other than that  I could use some work. I started to watch myself - that just sounds silly - but I started noticing that my own movement had slowed to a snails pace. I had taken my peaceful way of living to whole new level.  Even when I walk the dogs I meander. So my first change is to move with purpose. I now have a special purpose!

I act. It's not my sedentary job, THAT one pays the bills. Acting is the doesn't pay me that much job that I have. It's also the job that I like the most. Go figure. Anyways, before I go on stage I tell myself to walk with purpose and energy. It reads better on stage. So, I've decided to act during my day. Since walking with purpose is no longer me I'm taking on a character who is in a hurry to go everywhere. Is that psycho? I thought it may make me feel stressed, but on the contrary it didn't. I had more energy and actually got more done this week. I made myself go up the stairs faster than I would normally do. When I'm in the kitchen cooking, my pace between the stove and the fridge is much quicker. I walk to the car at a brisk pace. I squat down and pick something off the floor, and not use my toes like a monkey. I am just moving quicker. Sometimes I forget, but I definitely noticed a difference. I was never huffing or puffing I just increased my speed. Anyone can do that.

So that is my small change for this week. I will incorporate this change into my daily routine until I no longer have to play a character, and it becomes a part of me.

I'm changing the quote "My journey to 50 begins with a quick step." I like it.

Next week - a friend has suggested meditating. Thank you Wendy! That one is gonna be tough and I wouldn't have thought of it. I'm going to do some research and I'll get back to you on that one. Keep the ideas coming. I love it!

OK, you have no idea how difficult this is to type. I have a closely guarded secret. Well, it's not that close there are plenty of people in my life who know this secret, but there are plenty of people who do not as well. (insert really long pause as it is taking me a long time to type the next part). My next birthday is a biggie. A milestone. A halfway mark. A top of the hill mark, or maybe sliding down the other side of the hill depending on how you look at it. It doesn't feel that nifty. It's fifty. FIFTY????? OH. MY. GOD. I remember when my outlaws turned 50. They were OLD! I think my mother and father were always over 50 because they were always OLD. That can't be me. Can it? No! I keep recounting and it always comes up with the same number. I'm turning f-f-f-f-fifty next year. Actually in about 9 months from now. Nine months. Interesting. Which gets me to thinking ...

It took nine months for me to grow and be born. If I worked on the physical me for nine months what would happen? Would I get younger? Sadly, no. 50 is still going to show up. Let's face it I could lose a few pounds. Really to get that monkey off my back once and for all would be fantastic. But it's more than that. I want to be fit. I want to be strong. I want to be healthy. So it's not diet for me. It's my road to healthier and fabulous! I want to walk down the street when I'm 50 thinking "Damn, I look good." That's how I felt when I turned 40 and it made the transition much easier. I would like to feel that way again. So this is my immaculate conception. My idea has germinated, but I'm not sure into what. I'm mulling.

I need ideas. Really I do. I would love to hear from you. Send me an e-mail if you don't want to post here. Or post anonymously.

I would like ideas on small weekly changes that work into something significant as they accumulate. For instance:

  1. Drink 8 glasses of water a day
  2. Drink 1 cup of green tea per day
  3. Go to the bathroom 30 times per day. (that's a joke people because of #1 and #2, which is yet another joke)

As with the 4 Week challenge for groceries I am willing to post updates often. Tell you about the ups and downs. Funny things that happen along the way, which I'm sure there will be plenty of. I am not going to post my weight people so you can just forget about that one. Nor will there be a contest to guess it either. That's just nasty.

I am not giving up my preservative free diet, or natural way of living folks. Believe me. There will still be posts on that subject, not to worry. But, I really enjoyed the 4 week grocery challenge. Being accountable to you all was inspiring to me and kept me on track. So I'm hoping that being public with this little nugget of information may help me as well. Maybe some of you would like to join me on this journey to 50.

Each week I'll post a new small change' to my lifestyle (and I need ideas and encouragement from you!) and we'll see how it goes from there. Let's see if little changes really do add up to something big. What do you think? Should I give it a go? Let me know.

Some of my loot from the farmer's market.
I love summer! The long days, the warmth. People seem to be in a better mood don't they? And then there is the food. Fresh corn on the cob. Juicy fruits and vegetables galore! Farmer's markets. I have to admit I am really enjoying my Sunday morning routine of the Farmer's market, once I got over the shock of the $2.50 head of garlic. I am getting to know the regular attendees and the Vendors. Getting to know who has the best produce at the best prices. Today, since I wasn't as restrained budget wise I bought more apples and nectarines. Fresh green beans. Carrots that are so crisp and sweet that they are breaking in half as you put them in the bag. I'm in love. I even found garlic at a good price! And I purchased the most gorgeous summer tomatoes, a bunch of different varieties. I asked the vendor to put together a sampler of his best. Oh my they are beautiful. I got home and sliced up some Mozzarella and put some baby tomatoes in a bowl. Heavenly. Yesterday I went to a different market, an impromptu idea from my girlfriend Wendy. The produce there still had dirt on it. The onions were misshapen and gorgeous. There I bought English Peas. That evening I sat on the porch, watching the sunset and shelling English Peas. All that was missing was a porch swing. I felt so old fashioned. The only thing is I ended up just a smattering of peas when it was all said and done. It will be a TBSP each at dinner tonight. Mind you, between the dogs, me, my husband and Wendy we ate our fair share of fresh peas from the pod. They were delicious. The taste of summer.

So I've been thinking ... oh oh ... I have my own package habit. I need to get off the can, so to speak. Mostly canned beans (black, kidney, chick peas) and canned tomatoes. I've had readers point out to me the nastiness of canned food. Will it never end people? Oh this and that leaches into the cans. Ok. Ok. I'm going to end up spending half of my life in the freakin' kitchen! After grumbling and complaining, I decided to give dry beans a try - mostly because I was out of money and had some dry beans in the cupboard - but I'm going to stick to grumbling and complaining - it reads better. So before I went to bed one night I threw a cup of beans in a pot and poured some cold water over it. Time involved 10 sec. The next day. I emptied the water and then poured some fresh water in the pot and turned on the element. Another 10 sec. When the water was boiling I turned down the stove to minimum and put on the lid. Another 5 seconds. I let it simmer for two hours while I worked in the office. (talk about efficient) Then I drained the beans and put it into a container and into the fridge. About 20 sec.  I was so proud of myself. Like Tom Hanks in Cast Away "I have made black beans!". They were so cute and looked just like their canned cousins. So the actual work involved in cooking the beans was about 45 seconds. A minute if I'm tipsy. I'm thinking that's not so bad. I'll do it from now on. No more canned beans for me unless it's an emergency.

Now for the canned tomatoes. I've decided next year I will attempt growing my own tomatoes. Then I will get together with my fellow farmer's market pal Wendy and can said tomatoes. That is if I am actually successful at being a balcony tomato farmer. Time involvement, probably loads, but I'll be with a friend and there will be wine involved on my part, and general whining I'm sure and lots of mess and laughs. We might even end up with some canned tomatoes ... who knows? But if I do? Then no more cans for me. I'll be off the can and free forever ... or at least until I run out.

However, I'm still looking for a challenge for right now ... any suggestions?
I was talking to my nail technician and she thought my $150 budget wasn't such a big deal. Apparently she doesn't spend more than $100 at the grocery store at one time and her family is the size of mine, less the large hungry every once in a while boyfriend. She screwed up her face at me like I was nuts. I said '$100 per week?" "Oh yeah, sometimes less" She quipped. "I'm not talking feeding everyone Ramin Noodles you know. I'm talking real food. No preservatives. How often do you eat out?" I asked. "Oh two, three times a week." she said as if that's what everybody does "Ah ha!" I shouted triumphantly! "The $150 includes going out for dinner, and making breakfast and lunch and snacks and Sunday Dinner." She says, "Whoa - I'm not making all of that. We grab breakfast out and buy lunch too. I'm just talking dinner groceries." Pffft...

Well I did it. And it's been a good learning experience for me. Last week was the toughest, not so much because of my stellar meal planning, but because of the rancid olive oil incident. It screwed things up royally I'm afraid. It made it so that we ate more of other things to compensate for the loss of the quinoa salad.  To be honest, I don't want to look at another chick pea for a while. And because of my schedule I didn't have time to make something else for a few days. We ran out of everything. I have a lemon in my fruit basket, yum. No bread. No eggs. Nothing quick. I was determined to make it through and we have. Really it was lunches and breakfasts that suffered. And even that wasn't the end of the world. I made up some more tuna salad, marinated vegetables in a non-rancid olive oil vinaigrette, We ate oatmeal with blackberries instead of apples. I made another batch of split pea soup. I eventually even made another quinoa salad, it didn't quite have all of the ingredients in it. Not quite as flavourful, but still tasty. We were fine.

CONFESSION: I bought $3.50 worth of food. That would put me over budget. *insert awkward pause* But again for 2 of the 4 weeks I was under budget, so I'm justifying things that way. So there. :P For my $3.50 I bought some organic oatmeal and some tomatoes to get us through the last few days. It has. I made a tasty blackberry crumble last night to go with the impromptu campfire. Yummy. It was like blackberry pie without the pie.

Oh and just so that you know, my daughter lost 5 lbs (she does not need to lose an ounce) and I gained 5 lbs. Is there any fairness in this world?????

Something else that came out of this? Lauren is really starting to look at what is in the food she eats. I'm a proud mama! She went one day without eating hardly anything (she wasn't at home) because everything she looked at was full of preservatives and chemicals. She wouldn't put it in her mouth so she went hungry. This is progress and not progress all at the same time. So we talked about wise choices that she could make while she was out. There is no need to go hungry. Which is probably why I gain 5 lbs and she loses 5 lbs. I don't do hungry.

Speaking of which, I discovered something else on this journey. So cool. You must try. Homemade Microwave Popcorn.

Buy regular kernels from the store. But some paper lunch bags from the dollar store. You have all the ingredients needed. Put 1/4 cup in a paper bag. Fold over the top a few times. Put it in the microwave and pop for 2-3 minutes. Wait until there are 2-3 seconds in between pops and pull it out.

If you want to eat it as cardboard, just put it in a bowl and enjoy. mmmm *insert eye roll* Or if you want it to actually taste like something add a bit of salt and olive oil. Or better yet, a drizzle of organic butter. Now that's yum! Top it with whatever you want. But at least now you know what's in your popcorn. No chemicals, no 'buttery' flavouring. And it's cheap and easy which is important criteria for me.

You may think I'm crazy but I'm going to continue with this budgeting thing. I may up the budget to $160 per week, but it's been so good for us as a family. As much work as it was at first it has been really freeing - which I know I keep saying but I still can't get over. I like the routine of it. So for now I'm going to stick to my envelope budget method for our preservative free food purchases.

Now I need a new challenge.  What should it be?

Just so you know I did the rest of my shopping this morning - hit the farmer's market and got some great apples and nectarines - pesticide free. They look and taste fresh and fabulous.

I have again spent all my $150 for the week, but I got everything that I needed - or so I thought.

Tonight I made up a large quinoa salad with my fresh grape tomatoes and the black beans that I soaked and cooked. I'd give you the recipe, but I promised no quinoa recipes. Suffice to say it's rather good and makes a huge salad. We munch on it all week for lunches and snacks. So here's why it sucks.

I ate it for a quick dinner and it tasted funny. I thought that I had put too much lime zest in it and it had made it bitter. I thought "Great! No one else is going to eat this. Its awful."

Then I decided that I would use up some of the left over vegetables I had sitting around and throw together another salad - a marinaded salad of sorts with a homemade Italian dressing. I whisk together a dressing and give it a taste (thankfully) before pouring over the veggies. Bitter?? What? I make up another batch using a different vinegar. Bitter again. I am soooooo slow. Is it the Olive Oil? No. I just bought it. I've never had Olive Oil go rancid on me before. I use it up so fast. I open the bottle and taste a bit. Sure enough. Bitter.

I am so ticked. I've ruined several days worth of lunches, four freakin' limes, grape tomatoes a bunch of cilantro, three cups of quinoa and an avocado. Ticked doesn't even begin to describe it. And I feel sick. I'm sure it psychological but still. There's no money in the budget to replace the bottle. What am I to do?

Pffft. I say. Pffft.

My mother used to say that pride was a sin, and made damn sure I didn't have any ... but that a story for the therapist.

It's week four ... hallelujah! Not that I'm complaining or anything, but finishing this challenge is going to feel good. I have to say though I am rather proud of myself. Although I haven't bought all my groceries yet for this week, I'm down to just a few items to purchase and $45 to do it with. We're good. It feels good. I did it... hopefully.

My handy dandy garlic chopper thingy.
I love garlic. I think I'm part Italian and no one is telling me. It tastes great in almost everything, except for possibly ice cream, although I haven't tried that.

For years I smashed garlic, minced and minced and smelled like a vampire hunter. I'd have garlic presses break in my hand while I was pressing. I ended up avoiding garlic like the Count. Garlic became my nemesis.

Then I found my garlic chopper thingy. I fell in love again. I mean look at it. It's so cute and green.

Best of all it makes my life easier. Always a plus. No minced fingers in the minced garlic is an even a bigger plus.

I know what you're thinking. I've run out of things to say. My $150 food budget has made me lose my mind and now I'm rambling on about a garlic. Trust me - (a) I have lots to say, I'm just scared you'll think I'm nuts. Or maybe I'll finally realize I'm nuts. and (b) this thing is awesome! You're dying to know how it works right?

Load the peeled garlic.

Give the garlic a quick smash with your knife blade to loosen the peel and then place the peeled garlic in the cute green handy dandy garlic chopper thingy.

Perfectly minced garlic.
Twist like Chubby Checker for a few seconds and voila! Perfectly minced garlic.

Oh the love. Oh the joy. Oh the bliss. Scrape it into the pan and you're on your way.

Throw it in the dishwasher or clean by hand. That's all there is to it.

Now you gotta love that don't you? I want to give one to my daughter for Christmas in her stocking. Do you think she'll like it?

Seriously, if you see one in the store, get it! Mama Mia! It's totally worth it.